64 BOTANY. SiSYMBEiUM CANESCENS, Nutt.—Colorado and Nevada. From Ash Creek, Arizona, I have specimens (306) that are an enigma to me; the very sharp cut to the leaves, the great glandular-hairiness, the linear pods, and filiform pedicels almost tempt me to call it a new species It does not appear to be either incisum of Engelman or auriculatum or diflusum of Gray. SisYMBEiUM INCISUM, Engelm. (PI Fend. p. 8). (S. Californicum, Wat¬ son, in King's Report)—Nevada and Utah. SiSYMBEiUM viEGATUM, Nutt.—" 6-12' high; stems simple or branched from the base (or sometimes branched above), slender, covered below with an ashy, simple, or forked pubescence ; leaves tomentose pubescent; those of the root petioled, lanceolate-oblong, and sinuate-dentate; stem leaves sessile, lanceolate, auriculate, and clasping at base, entire, denticulate, or slightly wavy-margined, 6-8" long; flowers pale purple, 2" in diameter; stigma almost sessile; pods 1-1 J' long, and 3-4 times exceeding the slender pedicels; seeds 4-angled, 'in a double series.'" (605, 606, 652.) South Park and Twin Lakes, Colorado. Smelowskia calycina, Meyer.—Alpine regions of Colorado. (601.) Eeysimum cheiranthoides, L.—Twin Lakes, Colorado, 9,000 feet altitude. (651.) Eeysimum aspeeum, DC.—Nevada and Utah. Eeysimum aspeeum, DC, var. Aekansanum, Nutt.—Central Colorado. (593, 596, 599, 640.) Eeysimum aspeeum, DC, var. pumilum, Watson.—Blue River. (594.) Eeysimum Wheelebi, sp. nov.—2,-b° high, erect, unbranched, sparsely covered with closely appressed hairs, which are fixed by the middle (very rarely forked), never 4-parted; root-leaves, including petiole, into which they gradually taper, 2-4' long, narrowly lance-hnear, entire or sub-entire; stem-leaves narrowly lanceolate, sessile, 1-2J' long, entire; pedicels (in fruit) \-l' long; mature pods erect, 1-2' long (in younger pods there are distinct ribs between the angles), canescent; stigma two- lobed, style evident; seeds attached to each side of cell; cotyledons obliquely incumbent; petals varying from yellow to scarlet, twice as long as sepals, claw ^' long, nearly filiform, lamina obovate, httle over J' long.